Slot blokkade P2 - afgebroken dinkies

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Slot blokkade P2 - afgebroken dinkies

Posted: 10.08.2022 - 16:09  ·  #1
Als toB doehetzelver ben ik al snel onder de indruk van zaken als banden wisselen, laat staan van deze workaround bij een kapot slot: als je deze foto's bekijkt.
Doe er mee wat je wil, mocht het in de verkeerde rubriek staan of als ik verkeerde termen gebruik: Maak er het beste maar van!

hier de text van Richard Morgan: FREE FIX!!!
Thought I’d share if anyone is having similar issues. My ignition has been locking up (jamming) now and again for some time. The key will not move when you try to turn it. Finally set about sorting it.….
You have a few options before trying this free fix. Buy a brand new ignition barrel from Volvo that is made for your existing keys ££££££ or buy a secondhand one but th secondhand one may be no better than the one you already have. Remember if you go down this route you will need the keys that fit that particular barrel plus you’ll need the drivers door lock too.
I set about fixing mine. I removed the 3 torx screws that hold the bottom cowling on and remove it. Set it aside.
You will see the lock setup along with the antenna ring and ignition switch.
The plate that sits on the bottom of the lock will be removed as part of this fix. There is a little cast aluminium piece that breaks off and jams the ignition causing the problem. You will notice 3 little areas where the plate has been ‘welded’ on. Get a dremmel and grind these away.
The plate will then come away with a bit of persuasion from a big flathead screwdriver.
Once it comes away, a spring and the offending broken piece will drop. The ignition will now turn all the way freely and will never jam again.
The only thing you will lose is the steering lock. To be honest, i don’t think thieves are lining up to steal these cars so I can live with that knowing I’m not going to get stranded somewhere when it jams.
This affects ALL P2. At some point all cars will run into this problem.
Hopefully this will help others out 👍 Cheers
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